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A left hand creating an abstract 3D butterfly from the Universe in the background.

Universal Elevation

21 Powerful Principles to Transform Anything


Universal Elevation consists of twenty-one powerful principles that,
when practiced completely and consistently,
can transform anything: your life, family, company, city, state, nation, and world. 

Standard Thinking is how people typically operate.
What would things be like instead if you applied each principle using Universal Thinking?

1. Abundance

Universal Thinking

There's more than enough to go around. There are no limits.

Be more resourceful and creative.

Standard Thinking

Scarcity. Limited. Lack. There isn't enough for everyone.

2. All

Universal Thinking

All parts need to be included and addressed. Complete. Diverse. Examples: all living things, all areas of your life, all generations, complete solution, diverse viewpoints.

Standard Thinking

Some. Incomplete. Uniformity. Some members are chosen and others are excluded. Everyone must think and act the same.

3. Balance

Universal Thinking

We can't have too much of one thing and not enough of another. Examples: balance of power, balanced ecosystem, balanced view, balanced life.

Standard Thinking

Unbalanced. Off balance.

4. Collaborate

Universal Thinking

We create better solutions together than either side can create alone.

We all win when we work together!

Standard Thinking

Fight. Argue. Ignore. Discount. Us vs. them. Conflict. Mediate.

5. Connected

Universal Thinking

All parts affect each other. What I do to you, I do to me. Interdependent.

Standard Thinking

Disconnected. Independent. Separate and unaffected.

6. Equal

Universal Thinking

All parts are equal, equally important, and need to be treated equally.

Standard Thinking

Unequal. Levels. Hierarchy. Discrimination. Segregation.

7. Evolve

Universal Thinking

Get better, elevate, improve, innovate, or transform.

Standard Thinking

Decline. Stagnate.

Get worse, stay the same, or elevate slower than the others.

8. Excellence

Universal Thinking

Competent, effective, efficient, expert, experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled.

Standard Thinking

Incompetence. Ineffective, ignorant, or unskilled.

9. Fair

Universal Thinking

Everyone is treated fairly.

Standard Thinking

Unfair. People are treated unfairly.

10. Freedom

Universal Thinking

Everyone is free to choose how they want to think, feel, speak, and act.

We make our own choices and allow others to make theirs. Tolerant.

Standard Thinking

Enslaved. Dictate. Cancel. Censor. Control. Intolerant.

Exert power over others.

11. Generous

Universal Thinking

Give. Help others in need.

Standard Thinking

Greedy. Hoard. Take. Cheat. Steal.

12. Internal

Universal Thinking

We can only change ourselves. We can't change others.

Focus on what we can change and do better.

Standard Thinking

External. Focus on external things we can't change.

13. Lead

Universal Thinking

Lead by example. Take initiative.

Inspire and empower yourself and others.

Standard Thinking

Follow. Oppose. Resist. Stop. Do nothing and complain.

14. Love

Universal Thinking

Seek the highest form of energy, purpose, and belonging. Accept, appreciate, respect, and forgive yourself and others. Be kind and positive.

Standard Thinking

Hate. Fear. Judge. Disrespect. Reject. Discount. Mean. Negative.

15. Present

Universal Thinking

Be present and focus on what is happening now.

Do the most important thing in the present moment that is aligned with the future you want to create.

Standard Thinking

Absent. Distracted. Preoccupied. Stuck in the past or focused on the future without taking meaningful action now.

16. Required

Universal Thinking

All parts have a unique purpose, are valueable, and are required.

Standard Thinking

Expendable. Some parts are not needed.

17. Responsible

Universal Thinking

Have integrity, take ownership, be productive, work hard, and do the right thing.

Standard Thinking

Irresponsible. Shirk. Lazy.

18. Serve

Universal Thinking

Help and add value to others. Valuism is adding maximum value to all stakeholders. Profit and wealth alone are an incomplete measure of success.

Standard Thinking

Exploit. Take. Extract the maximum amount from others.

Take advantage of others.

19. Spectrum

Universal Thinking

A spectrum consists of the two opposite endpoints and everything in between. Instead of black or white, it's black and white and every shade of gray in between.

Standard Thinking

Binary. There are only two opposite values: good or bad, right or wrong, black or white.

20. Truth

Universal Thinking

Be honest and humble. Seek wisdom, truth, and understanding. Keep an open mind. Be authentic. Discover, think, and verify. Listen.

Standard Thinking

False. Lie. Prejudge. Label. Blindly accept. Be naive. Talk but don't listen.

21. Win

Universal Thinking

We all need to win. This is known as win/win thinking.

Standard Thinking

Lose. Win/lose thinking. I win when others lose actually becomes lose/lose.

Explore our solutions to learn more about Universal Elevation and how we can help you transform your life.

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