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2023 December Newsletter

A Happy Holidays Card with a red background and gold letters and some decorative ornaments.
Happy Holidays

December is a month filled with celebrations, holidays, and giving. It can be a challenging month for those of us suffering from anger, anxiety, and depression, who can't wait for the month to be over.


If December is a good month for you, then I encourage you to be on the lookout for those who see it as a bad month. Be a little extra understanding, kind, generous, and inclusive with others who need a healthy dose of your support.


If December is a bad month for you, then remember that our habits, which consist of what we think, feel, say, and do, are all connected. If you are feeling depressed, then you might focus on improving your thoughts and remind yourself of all the good things that are going on and for which you are grateful. You might meditate to clear your mind of negative thoughts and focus on your breathing or your surroundings. Or you might say positive affirmations to help you improve your mood.


Connecting with others can help. Find some friends that you can confide in or who can help cheer you up. Donate your time to help others in need. Spend some extra time with your pet or go to the local animal shelter to interact with some animals who are craving attention and a good home.


We often have the most control over our actions. By taking deep breaths we can calm down. By going for a walk we can increase blood flow and generate some positive endorphins. By going for a long run, lifting weights, or using a punching bag we can get rid of our negative energy. Or we can do yoga, which works on the body and the mind at the same time.


If none of this works, then it might be time to seek professional help so you can get back on track. There are lots of resources available, so just pick one that you think will work for you.


Regardless of which method you choose, please keep in mind that you are important and your life matters. You are lovable. You are worthy. You are more than good enough. You belong. There are people who are desperately waiting for you to show up to lead the way and help them. You might be the only one who is able to help and who wants to help.


We hope you have a very Happy Holiday Season full of good food, fun, and all those you hold dear.

Thank you for reading this newsletter and for helping us get the word out that there are lots of ways to make things better. If you'd like to see how we can help you, then schedule a free discovery call. Everyone deserves to live a life filled with love, peace, joy, freedom, and fulfillment.


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