We hope you had a Happy Easter!
April is the month when people get more serious about making changes in their lives. The weather gets noticeably better, and the evidence of Spring renewal becomes clearer. The momentum builds from the many March celebrations. Easter is about resurrection, Nowruz or Persian New Year celebrates renewal, and the Spring Equinox celebrates rebirth. April continues with many Solar New Year celebrations in Asia, such as Songkran or Thai New Year.
With so much focus on resurrection, rebirth, and renewal, it's natural for people to look for ways to improve their personal and professional lives. We may get more serious about exercising and losing weight. We may look to improve our current relationships, or we may decide to leave and find a better relationship. Professionally this is the time when we get more serious about getting a raise and promotion at our current job, or leaving and finding a better job that provides more opportunities.
 It takes time to make these changes and we don't often see the results of our efforts until summer. But now is the time to get going. The seeds have been planted and we need to do the hard work to make things happen.
 If willpower isn't enough and you feel stuck, frustrated, and overwhelmed, know that you're not alone. You just need some help from someone who knows the way and has been down that road before. It's a team effort and everyone wins when we work together.
I've learned that it's often difficult for people to take action to change their lives. But it also turns out that it's easy to change once they're properly motivated and have the right tools and guidance to make it happen.
We often live challenging lives and keep moving forward on autopilot, doing our best. We hope to lead better lives that are more fulfilling and meaningful, with more loving and supportive relationships. We know we are capable of more but can't seem to get past our limitations. We call it fate until something finally intervenes and wakes us up. Only then do we go searching for answers and start to live into our full potential.
I wish you much love this April and hope that wherever you are on your personal and professional journeys, that you are able to resurrect, renew, rebirth, and transform your life into something that is as amazing as you are.
I hope you are leading a life filled with love, peace, joy, freedom, and fulfillment.
It's your birthright.
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Career Coaching
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Leadership Coaching for Managers
We help managers level up and transform from feeling frustrated and stuck, to feeling reinvigorated and successful; from wanting to leave their current company, to wanting to stay; and from shutting down, to making large contributions to their organization. Success can mean a lot of things and it is different for each one of us, from better work, more responsibility, making more meaningful contributions, being more fulfilled, having a nicer office, achieving better work/life balance, or getting that raise and promotion you deserve. Learn more.
Life Coaching
Transform your life in all areas. Our clients have achieved amazing results, especially those who have tried everything else without much progress and feel frustrated and stuck. We have developed a unique, holistic, proven process that addresses the root cause of your challenges and helps you create breakthroughs where other coaching, therapy, and self-improvement methods haven't. Learn more.
Relationship Coaching
Create a Loving, supportive, intimate relationship. We firmly believe that every relationship can be saved and transformed into a loving, supportive, intimate relationship if both partners are committed to doing so. We have also seen marriages transform when just one partner works on improving themselves and the relationship. Learn more.